Tue, 25 May 2010 - 06:08

Expulsion of Israeli Diplomat a Gross Overreaction

"The Rudd Government’s decision to expel an Israeli diplomat is a gross overreaction," Paul Fletcher MP, Federal Member for Bradfield said today.

"The state of Israel is the only genuine multiparty democracy in the Middle East.

"The ties of friendship and of shared values, between Australia and Israel, are longstanding.

"Even if we are disappointed with a friend – as we naturally would be if the allegations that Israeli security agencies forged Australian passports prove to be correct – there are more appropriate ways to express that disappointment.

"We should never forget that Israel must fight every day for its survival.  Many countries in its region are hostile towards it. Some have openly stated their desire to see Israel destroyed."

Media contact: Darren Bark, Paul Fletcher’s Office 02 9465 3950