Tue, 08 Mar 2011 - 16:38

Fletcher congratulates local sporting champions

“I warmly congratulate Sherry Zhang and HGHS Team MAACQ, Bradfield’s winners in the recent round of grants under the Local Sporting Champions program,” Paul Fletcher, Member for Bradfield said today.

Under this program grants of $500 per individual and $3000 per team are available to support competitors aged between 12 and 18 in attending significant sporting competition – such as state and national championships. The grants go towards travel, equipment, uniforms and accommodation.

“Well done Sherry and the HGHS Team MAACQ – and good luck in your events!

“I am sure you will do the people of Bradfield proud,’ Mr Fletcher said.

Mr Fletcher said that sporting clubs or individuals wishing to apply for similar grants in the future could contact his office on 02 9465 3950 for assistance.