Constituency Statement - Killara Bowling Club
Mr FLETCHER (Bradfield—Minister for Major Projects,Territories and Local Government) (10:26): I rise to speak about a fine organisation in my electorate, the Killara Bowling Club. The Killara Bowling Club was formed in 1916, and it was first bowling club on the North Shore.
It still stands on the land it was built on, and it stands adjacent to the Killara tennis club. The two clubs have a strong, long-standing and cooperative relationship.
Since 1916, the Killara Bowling Club has lent its support to the creation of many other bowling clubs across the North Shore, including many in my electorate of Bradfield. The club's facilities are also used extensively by many other local community groups. For example, it regularly hosts meetings of Probus and Rotary. Killara Bowling Club is a mainstay of the Killara community; it brings together all of those who enjoy a friendly game of bowls. Of course it is also the club for many fierce and dedicated competitors, and the club has won many competitions. Killara Bowling Club showed that it was forward thinking for its time in 1978 with the creation of the women's club. At the beginning I am told there were less than 30 members, many of whom had never bowled before, but soon the women's club began to thrive, and it continues today.
I recently was fortunate to attend a ceremony to celebrate the club's 100th anniversary, and I was struck by the vibrancy of Killara Bowling Club and of life for members of the club. There were more than 200 attendees at this event, and I was honoured to have my name included on the plaque commemorating the event. There were representatives from Bowls New South Wales and many representatives from bowling clubs up and down the North Shore.
People from all sections of the community enjoy both the sport of bowls and the friendly atmosphere in the Killara Bowling Club, and it continues to enjoy strong patronage and membership. It is a very diverse club, with members from many nations. During the speeches at the celebration, I was astounded to learn that since the club began operations in 1916 more than 1.2 million games of bowls have been played at Killara Bowling Club.
Killara Bowling Club has much to be proud of in its distinguished record of contribution to our community on the upper North Shore. It is an institution; it is a fixture in the suburb of Killara and throughout the upper North Shore. It has been an important part of our community and an important part of fulfilling community life for so many people in the electorate of Bradfield and on the upper North Shore of Sydney. I was delighted to join the club and its members for their 100th anniversary event, and I extend my best wishes to Killara Bowling Club for its continued success.