Question Time - Airports: Rail Infrastructure
Mr FLETCHER: I thank the member for Lindsay for that very important question. She is a great champion for her electorate and a great champion for Western Sydney. She was pleased, as indeed were all members of the government, that yesterday the government released the environmental impact statement for Western Sydney airport, together with the draft airport plan.
Mr Husic interjecting
The member for Chifley will stop interjecting.
After the Rudd-Gillard-Rudd government failed to take a decision in relation to the Western Sydney airport, it took the Abbott government to make a decision in a direction that has been enthusiastically continued by the Turnbull government on this vital piece of infrastructure.
The Western Sydney airport will deliver huge benefits to this region which already has some two million people and is growing rapidly. It will deliver a new transport facility and it will deliver new employment opportunities. We have a careful plan to commence operations by 2025. By 2030 there will be some 10 million passengers and by 2063 it is expected that there will be over 80 million passengers as the airport grows over a number of decades.
I want to emphasise that we do have a careful plan in relation to Western Sydney airport and the ground transport connections—
Mr Husic interjecting
The member for Chifley is about to be ejected if he continues interjecting.
and that plan includes rail at the optimum time. In the early years passenger numbers at Western Sydney airport will be relatively low and will be more than adequately catered for by road connections. There is a $3.6 billion road package already underway, and that package will involve upgrades to the Northern Road, Bringelly Road and Narellan Road, amongst others, and there will be a new motorway connection from the M7 to the airport site ready by the time the airport opens.
It is important that there is also a clear plan for rail in relation to the Western Sydney airport, so the Turnbull government is working closely with the New South Wales government to assess potential rail corridor options to serve the airport and the broader Western Sydney region. The New South Wales government is assessing, for example, an extension of the South West Rail Link from Leppington. As set out in the draft Western Sydney airport plan, released this week, the airport is being planned with space reserved for rail corridors and a train station. During construction there will be excavations for the train tunnels and the space where the station will be built. This will allow for the rail connection to the Sydney metropolitan train network to be added at the optimal time, which is expected to be after the airport opens and as the passenger numbers grow.
Mr Albanese interjecting
The member for Grayndler is warned!
Let us be clear: the Turnbull government has a rational plan. The plan will get the Western Sydney airport built. The plan will involve rail at the appropriate time and the plan will deliver great benefits for the people of Western Sydney, the people of Sydney and the people of Australia.
Mr Turnbull:
I ask that further questions be placed on the Notice Paper.