Question Time - M5 East and Beverley Hills Interchange
Mr COLEMAN (Banks): My question is to the Minister for Territories, Local Government and Major Projects. Will the minister please provide the House with an update on the impact on Banks residents of the M5 East duplication and the upgrade of the Beverley Hills M5 interchange? How will the Banks electorate, especially residents from Riverwood, Peakhurst, Lugano, Padstow, Mortdale and Narwee benefit from these changes?
Mr FLETCHER: I thank the member for Banks for his question because—
An honourable member interjecting—
The SPEAKER: Members on my right and on my left will cease interjecting. The member for Rankin is warned!
Mr FLETCHER: he has demonstrated a passionate commitment to his electorate and he has been a very strong advocate for infrastructure investment to serve the people of Banks, including suburbs such as Riverwood, Peakhurst, Lugano, Padstow, Mortdale and Narwee. The M5 East duplication and the upgrade of the King Georges Road interchange at Beverley Hills form critical parts of the WestConnex project, a vital piece of infrastructure that will bring significant benefits to the people of Banks... I am very pleased to return to the answer I am giving to this very important question. The Leader of the Opposition might find it amusing that ministers take seriously questions from members of the House about matters of interest to their electorate, but on this side of the House we take very seriously the role of the government in meeting the needs of electorates and in responding to questions raised by members of parliament about their electorate, including, of course, the benefits that the M5 East, as part of the WestConnex project will bring to the people of the electorate of Banks.
I am pleased to inform the House that the upgrade of the King Georges Road interchange began some 18 months ahead of schedule. One of the reasons we have been able to advance the schedule in which the M5 East is preceded with is that the federal government has provided a concessional loan of $2 billion. This has allowed the enormously important WestConnex project to proceed with the greatest possible speed. As the member for Banks has been highlighting, this particular interchange is one which raises considerable concerns but, of course, the M5 East will deliver enhanced speeds for people to get from the suburbs within the electorate of Banks into the City of Sydney and in other directions. Infrastructure is enormously important for the people of Banks and for the people of Sydney. That is why the Turnbull government is committed to the WestConnex project and we have provided a $2 billion—
The SPEAKER: The member for Grayndler will resume his seat. The minister has the call.
Mr FLETCHER: I am advised I retain the call. I am delighted at that because I have more to say about the terrific way we are meeting the needs of the electorate of Banks and I congratulate the member for his advocacy. (Time expired)