Question Time - NBN in Cowan
Mr SIMPKINS (Cowan) (14:36): My constituency question is to the Minister for Territories, Local Government and Major Projects, representing the Minister for Communications.
Minister, there are many parts and suburbs of Greenwood, Tapping and Pearsall in my electorate of Cowan who do not have broadband access at all. Will the minister update the House on what the government is doing to address the serious problems of internet coverage affecting these suburbs in my electorate?
Opposition members interjecting—
The SPEAKER: Members on my left will cease interjecting. I have already warned about the level of interjections. The minister has the call.
Mr FLETCHER (Bradfield—Minister for Territories, Local Government and Major Projects) (14:37): It comes as a pleasant surprise this afternoon. The member is a very strong advocate for the needs of his community when it comes to the National Broadband Network. He is a strong advocate for the needs of his constituents in suburbs like Greenwood, Tapping and Pearsall.
Mr Albanese interjecting—
The SPEAKER: The member for Grayndler will cease interjecting.
Mr FLETCHER: When the coalition came to government in 2013, you may be interested to ask the question: how many premises were receiving a service from the NBN in Western Australia? Was it 34,000? Was it 3,400? Was it 340? It was 34 premises. In 2013 there were 34 premises—
Ms Rowland interjecting—
The SPEAKER: The member for Greenway will cease interjecting.
Mr FLETCHER: in the entire state of Western Australia that were getting a service on the NBN. Since that time, Mr Speaker, I am pleased to tell you that things have completely turned around for Western Australia, for Australia and for the electorate of Cowan. There are now over 60,000 premises in the member's electorate where there is construction underway or where there will be construction underway in the next three years—over 60,000 premises included in the rollout plan.
Mr Morrison interjecting—
Mr Albanese interjecting—
The SPEAKER: The Treasurer and the member for Grayndler will cease interjecting.
Mr FLETCHER: By 2017, connections to fibre to the node will commence in Greenwood, Tapping and Pearsall, and connections to the HFC in Greenwood will start in 2018. So after a dismal display of nonperformance by this incompetent lot opposite—
Mr Morrison interjecting—
Mr Albanese interjecting—
The SPEAKER: The Treasurer and the member for Grayndler will cease interjecting.
Mr FLETCHER: the Turnbull government is delivering when it comes to NBN for Australia, for Western Australia and for the member's electorate.